When did we lose our will to fight?

November 14, 2008

In a way, tonight was bittersweet.  Tonight, was the night I took initiative and stood on a street corner for over 2 hours passing out flyers for the Prop. 8 protest on Saturday.

Although I feel pride that I am actually taking a proactive step and speaking out and standing up for my community, my heart is not quite full tonight.

It was surprising to me that I had to explain exactly what Prop 8 meant to the GLBT community.  Probably 1 in 10 people tonight asked me “what is Prop 8?”.  This breaks my heart today.  How can the people within the LGBT community be so ignorant?  How do you not know what the issues are?  I began to take an educational approach to everyone, because it seems that more people would actually rather run across the street to the bar rather than pick up a simple flyer that witholds their civil rights.  What is that?  Do we no longer care as a community?  When did we become so self-involved that we not longer stand up for ourselves and our community. 

Why is it that my eyes weep tears of joy when I see 10,000 people marching in L.A., and then I see 12,000 people marching in San Francisco.  When did we become so de-sensitized that we cannot see the plight of the ones that are fighting for our rights?  This week has shown me not only the ignorance of the people who voted for Prop 8, but also the ignorance within our community. 

I do want to point out, I am not calling anyone stupid, I am saying that there is a lack of knowledge in the community as we speak.

Tonight, I was asked questions like “what is Prop 8?”, “why should it matter if I am in Texas”, and the most hateful of all is a cold shoulder from my own community.  I do not know how many times I was side stepped, resisited, or ignored tonight.  I even had someone crumple up the papers they were given right in front of me. 

Tonight I think was a triumph, because I handed out so many flyers and informed so many people and gave my all in this effort, but to us as a community we should be ashamed.  We should be ashamed that while there are 4 people promoting our rights there are 300 people in the bar across the street.  We should be ashamed that we turn a cold shoulder to those that are asking for their help in ensuring their future.  We should be ashamed that 1% of the community is fighting for the rights of all.

I beg and plead that on Saturday you get your ass out of your hungover stupor and you come support something that rather you know it or not affects your rights.  You may not appreciate this now, but you will when it effects you!

Same sex marriages begin in Conneticut

November 13, 2008

Although with the recent passing of Prop 8, there is a light of hope in the northeast as the Conneticut Supreme Court strikes down the civil union rights, and allows gay marriages!

This is a triumph for our community and should be celebrated!


This is why we fight…

November 13, 2008

Nationwide Proposition 8 protest, November 15, 2008

November 13, 2008

For information in your area or to learn more go to:


Arkansas adoption ban focuses on homosexuals!

November 13, 2008

This is a blatant description from the Family Council Action Committe about why they wanted to pass the Adoption ban in Arkansas.  This ban does effect heterosexuals, but from the website it blatantly is aimed toward the “homosexual agenda”.


Prop 8 lawsuits challenged by conservative law group

November 13, 2008


Who is the real voice behind JoinTheImpact.com

November 13, 2008


Find out the real people behind http://www.JoinTheImpact.com

As you have the right to disagree, we have the right to protest!

November 13, 2008

This is a message from the LDS about the protests of their church. They don’t want to be singled out, even though their church was one of the main contributors to Prop. 8

SALT LAKE CITY 7 November 2008 The Church issued the following statement today:

It is disturbing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is being singled out for speaking up as part of its democratic right in a free election.

Members of the Church in California and millions of others from every faith, ethnicity and political affiliation who voted for Proposition 8 exercised the most sacrosanct and individual rights in the United States — that of free expression and voting.

While those who disagree with our position on Proposition 8 have the right to make their feelings known, it is wrong to target the Church and its sacred places of worship for being part of the democratic process.

Once again, we call on those involved in the debate over same-sex marriage to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility towards each other. No one on either side of the question should be vilified, harassed or subject to erroneous information.